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Doing Something

By  Joanne Masding 2021 - 2024

Doing Something is a series of sculptural text works exploring the nature of physicality, begun with Making Something in 2021, and Holding Something in 2022.

Making Something thinks through the act of creating something - taking it from idea into something tangible, and attempts to track the conscious and body-led decision-making processes that bring it into being. It was produced as an A3 edition of 20, with hand applied copper hot-foil.

Holding Something fixates on the point where a body meets an object; where the edges reside and how the sensations are registered and interpreted. This abstract text considers things out of reach, things that slip through, things that escape the resolution of a fingertip. This work was produced as an A3 edition of 200, on 50gsm bible paper, with hand applied red hot-foil and was distributed postally.

Texts to follow include: Seeing Something; Knowing Something; Eating Something; Wanting Something; Losing Something; Destroying Something; Loving Something.


prettier-ignore-start Portrait J Masding 1720081682 prettier-ignore-end Joanne Masding

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