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Emergent crow

Shortly after reading "Crow Country" by Mark Cocker, I had the opportunity to take part in an exhibition called, "Unfettered", the question, "if you were a bird, what bird would you be?" was posed. If crows feel safe, they will come into a garden and feed regularly, maybe in appreciation and recognition of this, they will offer their own gifts. Crows are fairly solitary; they are edge-dwellers and adapters. They can make a meal out of all sorts of things. They are tenacious, demonstrated in their persistence in trying to crack open a shell. In nomadic civilisations they had positive meanings, they symbolised creativity, guidance and had prophetic functions. I try to live a low carbon lifestyle and respectful of our world’s limited resources, which can set me apart from mainstream culture which is about consumption and profit at any cost to the environment. To me it has felt it is my ‘calling’ to use any abilities I have to raise awareness that climate change should be part of every decision we make and that it is an opportunity for positive social change. I found this wire when I joined friends in a communal creating session. The wire is from the panels in a beehive where the bees make honeycombs. Each year when the hives are cleaned, this wire is discarded. Bees are dying, one of the causes being poisoning by neoniicotinoid pesticides, this could lead to a threat of food shortage as we lose this important pollinator.
prettier-ignore-start Hcfyfx876umsrjfdz4plq prettier-ignore-end Karen Whiterod

Black swirl nylon pendant


Plankton I

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