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Karen Whiterod

Creative practitioner, inspired by ecosystems and natural forms, finding how I can express my concern about climate change. Sculptor, maker, project developer/manager, workshops facilitator.

The sculptures are inspired by pattern and form from the natural world; these are explored using discarded materials.  In my former creative life, I was a jeweller; this is possibly still reflected in attention to detail and repetition of smaller elements to build a greater form.  This echoes the theme of power in working together.

My creative practice has evolved over many years.  Exploring through physical making has been a main thread.  Through research into climate sciences and fascination with the Earth's eco-systems combined with a time of incapacity due to chronic illness,  I've found my emotional and spiritual engagement with the natural world has intensified.  A sense of urgency for change at this time of planetary crisis has inspired activism.  Balancing this with contemplative creativity and nurturing hope is the latest challenge as I seek ways to express this.

My need to be active and useful around climate change has been a constant for many years, and has manifested through sculpture, participatory art projects and workshops. I am particularly interested in community, the strength and capacity of people working together and sharing a motivating passion.  I have worked both as an artist and in other roles in community re-generation.  Working with local government environment departments, wildlife trusts and community groups and in schools, mostly as Footprint Arts, which I set-up to deliver workshops.

My artwork always involves experimentation.  Each sculpture has involved a ‘first’ for me - use of LEDs, fibre optics, make a film and community-making sessions and techniques from other disciplines.  I am an explorer.


Balanced-Earth Floating Garden

Circle of Renewal

Nest of Hope

We Have the Technology...

Oscar Wilde Quote neckpiece

Bride and Groom of Compostables

Art at the Royal Norfolk Show - High Schools/SWAC project

St Agnes Primary School, Tower Hamlets - Creative Partnerships Enqury project

Emergent crow

Plankton I

Ground of my Beseeching

Black swirl nylon pendant

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