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End of White Carr Lane (No.2 on phone), near Chesterfield, Derbyshire UK, via Google Street View

By  Mik Godley 2016
22 April 2016 - Autodesk SketchBook on LG G4 mobile (cell) phone For the project "As if Silesia" - preparations for going to Silesia. A development from the 2013/14 First Art Arts Council England "Creative People & Places" commission to document the North East Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire coalfields - a project I am continuing well after the commission ended, employing images sourced from Google Street View to create drawing and painting both digitally and "analogue" - using computers, an iPad, an iPod Touch and mobile phones, as well as "traditional" media. For more information see:

Mik Godley

prettier-ignore-start Shapnjfkq0kxw5lgufzl0a prettier-ignore-end Mik Godley


iPod Goths Series 2 (Karolinka)

Stefana Okrzei, 58-300 Walbrzych, via Google Street View

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