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Extrawurst (English: Extra Sausage)

By  Bob Budd 2014
This work is in marble and granite, made for the '2. Internationales Bildhauer-Symposium' 2014 in Valley near Munich, Bavaria, Germany. The German expression, `Extra Wurst’ is usually used in reference to someone who wants more than they deserve (For example - 'He always wants an extra sausage') This also underlines the importance of sausages in German culture. My `mythical’ extra sausage is based on the Weisswurst (White Sausage), which is local to the Bavarian region surrounding Munich. During the project, local school classes were invited to watch us working and have a go themselves.
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Life in the mountains is difficult but not impossible (Capucino)


Kulturmenu (Paper Plane Sausages)

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