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Flag tape (hunting tape) tied to trees, approx 1.5 x 35 x 200m (5 x 115 x 656 ft) A site-responsive installation made during the Arreciado residency, Spain. Barrier tape was tied to trees on the edges of the firebreak showcasing the work to amplify the 'hot' aspect of the work as well as appearing as a source of primal power and energy. The wind caused the tape to oscillate so that it flipped over and back, catching sunlight as bright flashes or glowing a hot fiery orange with the sun behind it, appearing as flowing lava, at times fast moving like lightning strikes. At other times the tapes almost disappeared, rapidly flicking back and forth like a printer recording output or like weaving, joining the land together again. The firebreak show-cased the work, presenting it to the lake, fishermen and visitors and to the houses and people on the opposite shore.
prettier-ignore-start Ghsbwoscg0ib3xym9ypquq prettier-ignore-end Susan Williams


Vision, Print Purple Series


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