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'Flipper Swim'.

By  Tim Pugh 2017
The mixed media artwork is a continuation of the theme I am currently exploring of finding discarded toys found on the beach and creating installations and drawings from them.In this case I discovered a toy wartime snorkel soldier stranded on the tideline near Whitehaven in West Cumbria.The snorkel toy had no flippers having been worn away by the waves and I thought it appropriate to draw the actual toy onto plastic sheeting and then cutting the sheet to fit into a real life flipper that was also discovered on the tideline.The artwork was sited on a seaweed encrusted boulder near Whitehaven .All the subject matter involved in the creation of the artwork is as a result of utilising and manipulating plastic degradation that littered the tideline and is found in abundance on the shores of West Cumbria.
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