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Held together

By  Henny Burnett 2022
Held together is made from dental plaster cast in single use plastic food packaging. Each piece is held together by a domestic implement or material; suspender clip, pins and the cuff of a rubber glove. Dictionary definition for Held together: to stay joined together or in one piece and not break apart. The piece is about the holding together of a family unit and the balancing act of motherhood/artist/teacher. Held together (detail) is made from dental plaster cast in single use plastic food packaging, a stacked pile of wool lint from a cloths dryer is held in place by suspender clips. ‘Held together’ is from a series of conversational sculptural pieces that all include three elements: ‘Three represents the triad of family; male, female, and child; beginning, middle, and end; birth, life, and death’. Held together (details) cast dental plaster and the rubber cuff from washing up glove and pins interlocking mutually support both halves of the plaster sphere. The work investigates materiality through aesthetic and material juxtapositions.

Martin Urmson

Martin Urmson

Martin Urmson

Wp8yatrwkkokylz56jbrw Henny Burnett

Captain’s cabinet

Uncle Eric's Box: 15 Boxes (detail of 3 boxes)


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