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International Cultural Exchange - Call & Response

By  Henny Burnett 2016
Call & Response is the second phase of Cicatrix a multimedia international touring project, funded by Arts Council England and Creative New Zealand, incorporating digital, installation, sound, drawing and film. Touring throughout the South West of England and across Commonwealth countries, the audience is offered further insight into the WW1 legacy surrounding Salisbury Plain through the artists' interpretations of this scarred and ancient landscape and its connections across the globe. Henny Burnett Susan Francis Prudence Maltby with guest artists from Commonwealth countries starting with Caro Williams from New Zealand, Tiffany Rewa Newrick from Australia and the final artist from Canada to be announced.
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Uncle Eric's Box: 15 Boxes (detail of 3 boxes)

I Went to See the King - Alphabet Aeroplane

Small domestic lockdown pieces: responses to 30/30 by 12ø Collective.

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