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Kumihimo Viperidae Collection

at Cambridge Museum of Zoology

The Kumihimo Viperidae Collection was inspired by the snake collection at the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge. I was initially drawn to the snake collection because of the convoluted shapes formed by their bodies. Subsequent research revealed a surprising variety of snake colour patterns. I became fascinated by these and began to experiment with various techniques and media in an attempt to recreate them. Kumihimo proved to be the ideal technique with silk and metallic thread the ideal medium. Kumihimo (the traditional Japanese art of braiding) embodies the aesthetic ideal of combining function and beauty. Many different methods of braiding can be used to create braids with different qualities suitable for different purposes. Maru and kaku yattsu gumi (traditionally used for tying and making decorative knots) have been chosen because they produce a stiff yet flexible braid that retains its shape when manipulated. This piece was exhibited in Cambridge Museum of Zoology in one of the museum's display cabinetsnext to their snake collection. silk and metallic thread, handmade boxes
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Safety Through Caution

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