Lard Towers
photo credit @martinurmson
- Film and Video
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Health & Wellness
- Social & Political
- Environment & Sustainability
- Domesticity
- Domestic
- Kitchen
- Food
- Time Based Art
- Time Based Sculpture
- Melting
- Fat
Size varies according to projection.
'Lard Tower' is a record of the slow process of six towers melting through the application of heat. The choice of material is intended to set the work firmly in a domestic environment, where time is consumed by chores. During the last century, this once-vital animal fat fell out of favour and began to be seen as unhealthy. The work responds to the dual quality of lard in its liquid and solid states. It cannot be seen as permanent, as an external element, in this case heat/fire, destroys it . It belongs to a body of work about the four elements which began with the film piece 'Oxygen' 2011, followed by Earth Houses (earth) and Sand Houses (water).
film credit @martinurmson