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Memory of The Mark // Undulation // Oscillation

By  Pippa Eason 2024

Photos Courtesy of Adrian Brenner.

Its been a while since posting. My practice has taken a positive and cathartic turn, its where it always wanted to be. Some very exciting things have happened in the last six months.

Im currently making ceramics, drawings, writings, and photography based existing as a neurodivergent person in spaces, focusing on hostile spaces in particular. 

Additionally, my practice as it stands centres on autoethnographic explorations of my relationship with my body, and how I navigates physical space. Through my work, I makes sense of an entangled internal world, constructing a visual language built on gestures, interactions & storytelling that speaks of personal anecdotes.

Photos courtesy of Adrian Brenner.

prettier-ignore-start JAL 6957 Small 1723975541 prettier-ignore-end Pippa Eason

Collection of forms, 2019

Castles in The Sky, 18x36, 2020

Loose forms, (2019)

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