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New Rehang (series 3)

New Rehang (series 3) are a set of objects that begin with a catalogue of artifacts from The British Museum. Liberated from the page, coated in holographic transparent vinyl and backed with plaster cast in the artists hand, the series considers ways in which objects that are not able to be accessed by bodies can be known, and the durational experience of standing in front of something.

They were made for the exhibition stuffs wander off, a shape steps in, for Two Queens, Leicester (2017). Borne from the context of the museum the exhibition presents works made to think about the parameters of objects, how they are known and disseminated, and spaces in making translations between object and image.

prettier-ignore-start Portrait J Masding 1720081682 prettier-ignore-end Joanne Masding

Festoons and Facsimiles

Live reading: Body of Pieces

Fix It There

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