Perilous House
Henny Burnett
2023 - 2024

- Sculpture
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Social & Political
- Socioeconomic Structures & Consumerism
- Domestic
- The Home
- Female Identity
- Femalesculptor
- Materiality
- Recycled Materials
- Fairytales
- Cast Plaster
9cm x 13cm x 8cm
‘Perilous House’ addresses ideas of the home - a refuge, or a prison? It is by tradition the woman’s domain, a place of safety, but for some the home can be the scene of conflict, even violence. ‘Perilous House’ is simultaneously comforting and forbidding, The pink house is counterbalanced by an upturned hemisphere laden with loose teeth, redolent of violence or the loss of part of the self. Glazed clay, synthetic resin teeth, painted card & cast dental plaster from plastic food packaging.
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