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Phantom Works: EU... 2017

A new series of images that have been sourced from the Internet of key influential artists works, which have been manipulated, and then haunted by other artworks. Here we see How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (German: ''wie man dem toten Hasen die Bilder erklärt'') documentation by Joseph Beuys, through the aid of a local spiritual medium Chavez-Dawson invited Beuys to haunt the image with a new work, the work being produced by Beuys is still being worked on (tbc).
prettier-ignore-start 81d6gt5cae6xziktqgfdxq prettier-ignore-end Mike Chavez-Dawson

Homage to 1942: Duchamp's Contribution to The Surrealism Papers Live Performance...

'Inter-Textual-Vention: THOUGHTS WHILST CURATING... 1'

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