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Recovery College

By  Maria Kuipers 2016
I work with Creative Future (Recovery College art workshops) as a Peer mentor. Creative Future is an Arts Charity in Brighton who work with marginalised artists and writers. I also work in a voluntary capacity for Creative Future. Using Art to Improve Your Mood Course Title: Creative Expression Engaging in creativity activity can lighten your mood, help express blocked feelings, and enable you to access a state of ‘creative flow’ which calms the mind and gives you time out from difficult thoughts and feelings. This 3 hour workshop includes a series of fun exercises experimenting with different art techniques. All are welcome whatever level of experience or ability. Learning Outcomes (3 points) Students will: • Experiment with different art techniques (drawing, collage etc) • Learn to look at things in a creative way • Learn and practise different methods for expressing oneself The Images - Lewes workshops, 2016

Nickova Behling

Ahzu4nqnv06kfvg8pi2mq Maria Kuipers

Biomorphic forms

Collaboration 2020 Covid

Childhood Memories

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