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"Sedimentology 2"

By  Tim Pugh 2016
The temporary mixed media artwork was created at St Bees,West Cumbria on a wooden beach groyne in between low and high tide in August 2016.The pillar is encrusted with enlarged photocopies of pebbles that I have collected from the same beach over the course of three months.I wanted to create the illusion of pebbles rising up from the beach and smothering the surface, contrasted next to the real pebbles underfoot.The artwork has a quirky quality with the irony of 'fake' pebbles dominating the image.I was nearly caught out by the incoming tide and only just had enough time to photograph the artwork before the gentle swell washed off the paper pebbles.
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Sea Reflection.

"Brickwork Designsheet"

"Snowball Cluster"

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