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So Woman Serves As Reflection

This piece explores the idea of a feminist heterotopia as a space of empowerment and disruption to the hegemonic discourses of femininity, utilising a methodology of the abject and subverting the idea of a proper social body. Disembodied female body parts are used within the media as Capitalist advertorial eroticism; bodies are bound by the societal norms which shape them into a constraining corporeality that is difficult to inhabit. The work explores the idea of the self-policing female, committed to a relentless self-surveillance, paralysed as commodity. A feminist heterotopia as a space to reject the relentless regulation and discipline experienced within public places. Unfired Porcelain and Moving Image
prettier-ignore-start Jxrnsseorukdzt7rdrclow prettier-ignore-end Theresa Bradbury

Subverting Femininity

Come To Dust

Moving Beyond

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