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So Woman Serves As Reflection

This piece explores the idea of a feminist heterotopia as a space of empowerment and disruption to the hegemonic discourses of femininity, utilising a methodology of the abject and subverting the idea of a proper social body. Disembodied female body parts are used within the media as Capitalist advertorial eroticism; bodies are bound by the societal norms which shape them into a constraining corporeality that is difficult to inhabit. The work explores the idea of the self-policing female, committed to a relentless self-surveillance, paralysed as commodity. A feminist heterotopia as a space to reject the relentless regulation and discipline experienced within public places. Unfired Porcelain and Moving Image
Jxrnsseorukdzt7rdrclow Theresa Bradbury

Masquerade of Femininity

Of Never Being Simply One

In Search of the Feminine #2

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