Souvenir of England
Jane Prophet
Jane Prophet
Since they were first made in 1898 to commemorate the building of the Eiffel Tower, Snow Globes have been used as mementos to encapsulate key landmarks. They have become the quintessential souvenir object, now slightly outdated and nostalgic themselves. Shaking them brings the scene to life for a brief and artificial moment of suspended disbelief. This dome is a memento to the English Orchard which is fast becoming an endangered species. The apple tree inside died in a commercial orchard, its contorted shape a result of pruning. Visitors at the opening look through the inflatable dome to the apple tree inside. The tree has been flocked in black velvet and absorbs light - it looks like a 3D silhouette in the replanted orchard at Hanbury Hall.
This is the first version of the work, later versions will include blowing blossom inside the dome.
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