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Spiral of Growth

By  Angela Davies 2012 - 2013
The work conveys an emerging cultural dialogue between past and present. The relationship between land and mythology is explored to create ecological, ephemeral light-installations with the intersection of architectural, sculptural and organic form. The message of marking time is achieved through manipulating space and using textiles, particularly lace. This fine open fabric provides a technical and historical framework. Lace is fragile, desirable and precious and occupies a territory, a threshold of space. It contains a pattern, structure and order, a cultural narrative, that of the people that worked collaboratively within communities to create it. These elements are explored, re-interpreting the lace to act as a metaphor, investigating and mapping the traces of human activity across the landscape of North East Wales.
Er4tu0kgeijrhfsmghzgg Angela Davies

Focal Perception

Silent Spring


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