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Staining Space

By  Jane Prophet 2006

Jane Prophet

400cm x 600cm x 500cm

Staining Space has arisen from a collaborative project, in which I have been a lead participant, that investigates stem cell research (see Cell). The research has been in progress for over two years and this installation is one of several outcomes. Staining Space is inspired by my involvement in the way that visualisation operates in a scientific context, for example microscopic analysis of tissue samples in the medical laboratory, and in a metaphoric way in a cultural context. But it also addresses how the two have a constant inter-play. In addition, it draws on my long-term interest in using computer programming to grow organic forms, such as trees, from digital code. The installation poses questions that arise out of the ambiguities around visualising information and complex processes. Ultimately it is asking in what ways we perceive visual evidence as real. These are questions we pose and exchange in collaborative activities. And in collaborations that cross disciplines these key concepts provide territories that are both fraught and stimulating.
J P Jane Prophet

Souvenir of England


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