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Studies - ‘New Gods Become Old Gods… (The Universe is a Computer)' 1 to 4, 2021 to 2024

Studies, a series of directed/created/curated collaborations with AI. Here’s a totally fictional body of work titled ‘New Gods Become Old Gods… (The Universe is a Computer)' - these constructs reference contemporary blue chip commercial artwork and current hunches and global concerns…

Mike Chavez-Dawson

Mike Chavez-Dawson

Mike Chavez-Dawson

prettier-ignore-start 81d6gt5cae6xziktqgfdxq prettier-ignore-end Mike Chavez-Dawson

The Dark Would, Nine Realms of Dead Poet, Version 1a 2013

‘Circumstantial Evidence Part 1, (Repositioned, Double Take, An Oak Tree)’

'Re-Trans-Informer 2, An Oak Tree (1974)'

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