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Studio-Intensive Day 6

By  Chris Wright 2018
Studio-Intensive Day 6 Started day well but got stuck in traffic. Re-ran the early part of my day for positives but the loss of the yellow duckling is still very sad. Little things make big impacts. Worked at admin. and began looking again at the a-n artist’s toolkit especially the do-it-yourself critique questions from Linda Ball’s toolkit 2007 - Still relevant although 11 years old. Talking of relevance, began reading Camus’ Create Dangerously. He writes ‘To create today is to create dangerously. Any publication is an act, and that act exposes one to the passions of an age that forgives nothing’ (Penguin Modern 17:3). From 1957, it sums up this age of social media where nothing can be hidden and everyone has opinions based on few facts. Preparing for my collaboration with Linda Duvall (The image is from the hole residency, somersaulting around it), humming over Skype exploring the intersection of space, time, body and sound. Using Skype brings in extra spatiotemporal resonances. We were both physically present then and the level of empathy was such that the hum became one, became separate from us both but, at the same time, belonged to us both.
Sdlfwkdclkwipnsyw3rkxg Chris Wright

Shipping Lanes

One Way or Another

Studio-Intensive Day 9, part two

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