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The long and the short

By  Bettina Amtag 2023
The long and the short is a playful rendition of two figures, facing each other, engrossed in a slightly cruel, high stakes game. They are an expression of duality, like the two sides of a coin. Both are locked each in their place, disabled, not able to make a winning strike at the other, and unable to leave. The notion of under and over, winner/loser, is disabled: the piece can be hung both ways. And, if it's all a game, the two figures could be the ones being played, puppets without own agency. But who is the player?

Bettina Amtag

Bettina Amtag

Bettina Amtag

90co3tiickoonzbcnslpq Bettina Amtag

eg insect

Space invader - Big Mouth 2


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