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A cluster of the oldest stars in the universe, based on the Hercules Globular cluster in M13 contains stars of 12 or so billion years old, their light takes 22 thousand years to reach us and though the spent stars in their final stage of life are gathering together, they make a wondrous, delightful form which I relate to the smaller scale, yet no less incredible feat of the human brain, of neurons and the excitement of idea formation, of the similar unknowns between the landscape of the brain and the landscape of the universe. The known, the unknown and the vast spaces in between. A childhood habit of mine was to mentally put the unfathomable universe in a cardboard box in a giants home and now I am thinking about what happens when you remove the box?
prettier-ignore-start Eahdxh7yaeyf3erzk8dq prettier-ignore-end Catherine Wynne-Paton

In conversation with

Wood for the trees (listen)


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