'to lie together'
Joanna Mowbray
Joanna Mowbray
- Sculpture
- Spiritual & Philosophical
- Personal Narratives & Identity
- Abstract & Conceptual
- Light And Shadow
- Small Sculpture
- Copper
- Reflections
- Touch
- Closeness
- Line And Perimeter
- Silence
A. 7.5 h x 56.5 L x 10.8 w B. 5.6 h x 40.6 L x 10 w cm
Two soldered copper forms lie side by side, touching one another. Each form is open at both ends and the seams left unsoldered so you are aware of the inside space. The shadows and light reflected from one form to the other is an essential part of the work.
Joanna Mowbray
Joanna Mowbray
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