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Virtual Eye

By Cliff Crawford, with music by Clive Whitburn

An Exploration of Social Media Portraiture The objects with which we surround ourselves create incidental self-portraits. Many share such portraits in a stream on social media. Using Twitter, this project seeks to engage in a conversation about these objects moving the object vocabulary into the realm of consciousness and so presenting intentional self-portraits. Digital glass boxes, large enough to accommodate an adult, celebrate these precious collections of personal objects so describing the wonderful, complex and intricate interactions that make a self-portrait. The sets of objects each describe an aspect of an individual. As you move around each glass box the objects within blend into and overlay one another, the double skin of the glass box generating layers of reflections. This hints at the complexity often hidden by a visual representation of our physical form or verbal statements of who we are: our work, our relationships, our choices.
Yxhcichqceqwdrhl89jo4q Cliff Crawford

Faceless Portraits 3D

Faceless Portraits: Seeming Restriction

The Ineluctable Modality of the Visible

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