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Amy J Wilson

I'm Amy, a visual artist, based Turf Projects in Croydon. I work across printmaking, ceramics and digital media. I'm interested in sci-fi, animals and cartoon logic.

I work across printmaking, ceramics and digital media - I use these mediums to create components that I combine into sculptural configurations. I am currently working with video game engines to introduce live elements to the work.

My work is informed by histories of representation  - I’m interested in the artificiality of tools like Alberti’s window and their relationship to the Euclidean geometry of the game engine. Windows, portals, screens and membranes reoccur throughout my practice.

Recent work uses representation as a lens to explore object, animal and environmental agency. I’m interested in using technologies to understand our relationship to these ‘other minds’. Why ask ChatGPT a question when you could be asking CatGPT?


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