L C Persson

Linda Persson is a Swedish artist that mainly works through sculptural and cinematic methods which kontextualize the colonial residue through landscapes, body and language. Her work methods often develops via residencies and commissions over long-term and space specific.
Linda holds a BA and MA in sculpture / sound from Chelsea College of Art & Design, London and Winchester School of Art, UK and a research year though Mejan Residence at the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm. She has participated in the Momentum Biennale (2017) and was included in the book 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow by the publisher Thames & Hudson (2019).
As part of MONICA SJÖÖ- The time is NOW and its overdue! at Beaconsfield gallery, London in 2022, Linda re-staged her work Memorial Ritual in a new development with a sound composition together and live with the queer band TEARS | OV .
She also work with puclic commissions and has works represented in Haninge, Uppsala municipality and a large scale stone installation at Huskvarna folkets park in Jönköpings region.
Qualifications, training and research:
2011 - 2012 Artistic research (Mejan residents), Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden
2005-06 MFA 1st Distinction (sculpture) research ISVR, Winchester School of Art, Southampton University, Winchester
1999-02 BA, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
Selected exhibitions /projects:
Exhibitions / publication / prizes selection
Upcoming/ Kommande
2025 Duo exhibition with Sigrid Holmwood at Ronneby Konsthall
2024 solo presentation at Rotundan, Kalmar
2023-24 Ett frö är en sten tills den sås / A seed is a stone until sown, Smålandstriennalen. Länk: https://www.smalandstriennalen.se/utstallningar-och-projekt/ett-fro-ar-en-sten-tills-det-sas
Publication is in progress with Dr Liam Sprod (2024)
2023 Stjärnstoff offentligt verk för / a public art commission for Uppsala Kommun, Flädervägen, Lövstalöt under process (Inaguration Nov 2023)
-Kvinnor i Skogen, egeninitierat projekt som kartlägger och intervjuar kvinnliga, trans, icke-binära konstnärer i Småland (långsiktigt) https://poddtoppen.se/podcast/1672271116/kvinnor-i-skogen-women-in-the-forest
Recent/ Tidigare
2023 Virserum Konsthall- Smålands Triennalen (med Kerstin Björk, Moa Franzén & Åsa Jungnelius) vernissage 7 Juli- 3 September
-Publication: Monica Sjöö collective Dear Monica...written contribution editor Su Fahy available at MAN museum, Skellefteå, Moderna Museet Stockholm, Arnolfini Bristol, UK and online for purchase.
2023 Statens Konstråd / Folkets Park Husqvarna, Let’s Face it! -
Offentligt verk i sten invigs 20 April 2023
-Möt Konstnären: Statens Konstråd presentation och samtal på Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
-Publication: Monica Sjöö collective Dear Monica...written contribution. Can be bought at Arnolfini UK, Moderna Museet Stockholm
2022 Beaconsfield, London , Storbritannien/ UK (with/med Feminist Library & Monica Sjöö)
- OHSH projects, London, Storbritannien/UK, POST TOTEM, grupputställning, kurerat av Adam Dix & Dale Adcock
-Med trötta ryggar & hjärtan med plats för fler, Kalmar Konstmuseum. Samarbete och ett forskningsprojekt mellan vård och kulturarbetare, organiserat av Jenny Richards och Ulrika Flink. Jag deltar med undersköterskan Katrin Jonsson i ett podd-ljudverk.
-Gylleboverket, Skåne , soloutställning / performance, HexVÄRK, Påsk/Easter week
-Kvinnor i Skogen, egeninitierat projekt som kartlägger och intervjuar kvinnliga, trans, icke-binära konstnärer i Småland (långsiktigt)
2021 Henprojects, Stockholm, Flogging a dead horse, 12. November - 4. December 2021
- "Stories from the Bottom of the Lake" at Creevagh in Ireland, Symposium where I presented the Black Opal project/SiO2n.H20 Oct
- Art Lab Gnesta, Sverige, The useless mouths (group exhibition/ grupp utställning) Sep-Oct
- Kronobergs Konststipendium, Småland
2020-21 Mycolective at Chisenhale Studio programme, London (Sept/ performance/online event/ publikation) 1 year program, Sep 2021
2021 Skissuppdrag Örebro Kornellen, March
2021 Sommarutställning i Pukeberg, Nybro , Sweden. Curator and exhibitiondesign (utställnings-design, koncept, kurering)
2020 South Kiosk, "the Hand is Dealt" London. Groupexhibition/grupp utställning
2020 Omaka resturang, Stockholm, Sculpture/fontain in ceramic, acquired/ Keramisk skulptur fontän, beställning
2020 Haninge Kommun, Blickfång, public art light sculpture/ offentligt ljus skulptur verk (otrygga platser) (2018-20)
2020 Örebro Konsthall, START, group exhibition/grupp utställning
2019/20 Växjö Konsthall soloexhibition, To breathe through the bones of the dead
2019/20 Van Gelder Galerie, soloexhibition kurerat av Birta Gudjonsdottir (Between Old Bones &New Moons)
2019 Thames & Hudson, publication, 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow, nominerad & utvald för boken 100 Skulptörer 2019
2019-Maj-Juli Bundorra Homestead Arts Centre, Melbourne Australien -Maj-Juni
2019 SPEAKING IN TONGUES, Solo exhibition Private Projects, Moonah, Hobart, Australia
2019 PRIMA MATERIA, Bundoora Homestead Arts, Melbourne, Australia
2018 ISCP New York, with curator Elina Suoyrjö
2017 TURF PROJECTS, London, Desert Apps, workshop 15th July
2017 Momentum Biennial, Norway, 9th edition, Alienation curated by
Ulrika Flink (SE), Ilari Laamanen (FI), Jacob Lillemose (DK),Gunhild Moe (NO), Jón B.K Ransu (IS)
2017 TURF PROJECTS, Exhibition, London, Last wordsm So it goes, curated by Jack Friswell
2017 Experimental Heritage, ongoing project (2016-2018) Öland, Sweden, stonequarry, cursed landscape, technology, archology with Anna Winberg (author), Bodil Petersson (archelogist), Helle Kvamme (artist), Walle Dickson (artist / gallerist)
2017 Oct-Feb Higher Her...with Laure Prouvost, Kunsthalle Luzern (Lucerne) Switzerland, I was showing 'Eidola' soundpiece and a performative costume, eyemask with ceramics
Oct-Dec Commission by International Art Space [SPACED] / Perth Australia, http://three.spaced.org.au/spaced-3-north-by-southeast/
Residency in Leonora, Western Australia with The Walkatjurra Culture Centre an Aboriginal Australian art and cultural centre managed by the Tjupan Ngalia Tribal Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.
26-28 August a new version of 'The Green Room: after Henning... called Stone tensions' perfromance at Velferden in Sokndal, Norway as part of ////// /O/O/O/O (Der Mund spricht die Gedanken aus - Die Landschaft gibt ihren Klang) curated by Nico Anklam and co-organised by Velferden and Rogaland Arts Centre, Norway http://www.reddvelferden.org/ http://www.rogalandkunstsenter.no/
19th August: Screening of 'The Astral Women' as part of the public programme of RIN (Residence in Nature) organised by Åsa Jungnelius. Summer programme: http://residence-in-nature.se/en/project/residence-in-nature-2016-en/#57487e9d71718
18th June - 18th of Sep, 2016 Groupexhibition, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Sweden, 'Songlines for a new Atlas' curated by Torun Ekstrand, http://www.kalmarkonstmuseum.se/en/exhibition/songlines-for-a-new-atlas/
25-26June: A new performative piece for the Exhibition, Kunsthal 44, Møen, Denmark______ ////// /O/O/O/O (Der Mund spricht die Gedanken aus - Die Landschaft gibt ihren Klang) to open June 25th 2016 curated by Nico Anklam http://www.44moen.dk/
May 28th Perpetual Liquidity: screening curated by Hannah Conroy and Adam Chodszko as part of the exhibition 'of the sea' at the Dockyard, Kent, UK. Screening of "The Astral Women" 2016
March: Research trip to Denmark, Møen of the Henning Christiansen Archive
Feb/March: Screening premier of "The Astral Women" at Canapé Canopy, Auckland, New Zealand
DEC: Screening 1st version of "ZEUS TEARS" at SPACE London / LUX event 10 Dec
DEC: HOUSEPROJECT 27//2: with Darren Banks, Jenny Bergman, Bridget Currie & Tamara Henderson, Diana Duata, Mark Essen, Jack Beauchamp Hadley, Trevor Kiernander, Linda Persson, Amanda Simon, Victoria Skogsberg, Pip Stafford, Nancy Wallace (musician / singer)
DEC: Bilbao, Spain, film / sculpture collaboration with Bridget Currie
NOV: Artist in Residence Skaftfell Visual Arts, Iceland
AUGUST / SEPT: Artists in Residence IMA GAllery, Brisbane Australia supported by IMA and Australian Arts Council, Artist International development fund supported by Arts Council England and British council
for project Landscape/Black Opal/Technology project in Lighting Ridge Australia
AUGUST- Exhibition, Venice Biennial, Imago Mundi group show
JUNE / AUGUST 2015: Filming The Witch Island in Sweden
JUNE 13th HOUSEPROJECT / S T r U c t U R A l O b J e C T (with Sophie Yetton)
2014 - Top of The World, Sami Center for Contemporary Art, Karasjok, Norway
2014 NO MEANING, 5 months, London
2013 Haninge Konsthall, Sweden, curated by Åsa Mårtensson
2013 Nordenhake Galerie, Stockholm, Sweden, curated by Stefanie Hessler
2012 Pavilion Projects “Auditorium” Turner Contemporary, Margate, U.K & Dilston
Grove, London
2011 Normalcy Bias2, Listros Gallery, Berlin
2011 Commissioned solo exhibition at AIRSPACE, stoke-on-trent, U.K
2011 The Drawing Room Biennial London, U.K2011
2011 SAGS Woodmill Projects
2010 Örebro Länsmuseum, Sweden, group show
2010 The Allegory of the Cave, Non Grata Art Container, Tallinn, Estonia
2010 ‘Episode 1- Acute melancholia’ Studio 44, Stockholm, Sweden (artist &
2010 ‘ The Devil’s Necktie’ Woodmill Projects, London
2009 Echo Projects and The Coma Lounge, at Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
2008/09 Nordic (P.A.M) Utsikten Kunstsenter, Kvinesdal, Norway
2008 The Wharf Road Project, Atrium, London
2007 AK28, Stockholm, Sweden ‘Encounter’ (solo show)
2013/2012 Auditorium, Pavilion, Dilston Grove/Limbo Margate (Encounter)
2010 XRAY@ResoVision, Frieze Arts Fair, London 2010
2010 April Sierra film festival US (Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival
Nevada City) ‘At the foot of a mountain’
2010 March XRAY at SHORTWAVE cinema in collaboration with Vitrine gallery
2009 May Lumen Evolution Festival 2009 with The Projection Gallery, Leeds, UK
2009 March Festival International de Vidéo Danse du Breuil, Burgundy, France
Performances (selected)
2012 Ontological Mediator (Mudhead) Skaftfell Residency
2012 June-book launch/performance-Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm
2010 Art Container, Tallin, Estonia as part of exhibition the Allegory of the cave, with dancer Laura Kveilsten
2010 Galleri 54, Gothenburg, Sweden
Awards/ Residencies (selected)
2014 Foundation Längmanska Culturefund
2013 KKNORD travel stipend, Norway
2013 Individual Arts Award, Swedish Arts Commitee
2013 Iaspis International Exchange (Sámi Centre of Contemporary Art)
2012 Skaftfell Visual Arts residency 2 months, Iceland
2012 Iaspis international exchange “ Matter of Contradiction”
2012 Swedish Committee grants fund International exchange-Film Margate/London
2012 Mejan Residents (Royal Institute of Arts, Sweden)
2011 IASPIS / Konstnärsnämnden grant for soloustställning/solo show in the U.K
2010 British Council UK (EPISODE 1: Acute melancholia) Studio44 (curated)
2009/10 Mobility funding KKNord
2008 Residency Ricklundsgården Sweden
2007 Travel award, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse
2007 Individual grant from the Arts Council in England
2006/07 Royal Academy Schools Artist in Residence (Loughborough University)
2013 SLUTRAPPORT på Galleri BOX, Gothenburgh, Sweden
2012 Arena Babou: 16mm film, ‘Handstands through Difference and Repetitions’
2008 Nightingale Primary School small sculpture commission
Bibliography (selected)
KonstNet / SvD Thinking and Speaking, Nordenhake Galerie, Review
Essay by Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen ‘To leave History through its material’-
‘Trying to draw blood from a stone’
Interview by Kim West, publication by Royal Institute of Arts, 2012
SIRP Eesti Kultuurileht, Margus Kiis, 3rd Sept 2010
The Guardian (Jessica Lack) 22 Augusti 2009
Time Out London (Martin Comer) 30 maj 2007 “Nordic stories”
Svenska Dagbladet (Rikard Ekholm) 20 April 2007 “Roligt och underfundigt men lite
City konst (Lisa Wennersten) 20 April 2007, “Både kusligt och lugnande”
Nerikes Allehanda (Stefan Nilsson) 2 Juni 1999 “Kreativ trolöshet utan gränser”
Work related:
Teaching / lecturing:
ongoing: Örebro Konstskola, Sweden
Reading University, Kingston University, Loughborough University
With Liam Sprod: The Royal Institute of Arts Stockholm, Eligstadir College Iceland,
Örebro Konstskola