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Naomi Harwin

An artist based in Manchester, Studio member at Paradise Works

I am a visual artist working in sculpture, installation, and mixed media. My immersive installations explore the interconnected relationship between our physical bodies and the environments we navigate. Focused on sensory experience, I delve into how bodily perception fosters resilience amid disorientation. In times of societal and environmental uncertainty, feelings of instability emerge, prompting us to seek connection. Through my art, I investigate how we connect with our bodies, each other, and our surroundings using our available senses. By challenging our understanding of space, movement, and interaction, I aim to reveal how disorientation can lead to new insights.

Recently, I have explored themes of balance, breath, and movement, capturing walks around Manchester. My interactive sculptures create opportunities for shared experiences and connectivity, making playful spaces where audiences can leave their mark.


Naomi Harwin                                                                     Studio Artist at Paradise Works 



2011 – 2014 First Class BA (Hons) Fine Art – Norwich University of the Arts


2024 Middle Moments - HOME, Manchester UK

2020 Encounter - Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK

2015 ‘O’ - Airspace Gallery, Stoke-On-Trent, UK



Manchester Open 2024 - HOME, Manchester, UK

Municipal - 50 MV, Liverpool, UK


Cura - Smolensky Gallery, Manchester, UK

Breathe Rest Play, In Transit, Online

Bankley Exchanges .1 - Bankley Studio & Gallery, Manchester UK


Northside House - Hospital Rooms, Norwich UK


To be an object is to possess a boundary - 1961 Projects at In Personam, Singapore


Non-Working Hours - 1961 Projects, Singapore


We: You, Me - Firstsite, Colchester UK

SWAP Editions AD HOC & TRADE - Artlicks Weekend - SET, London UK

The Library - McAulay Gallery at Tate Modern, London UK

The Clunker - The Playhouse and Anteros Arts Foundation, Norwich UK

SWAP Editions AD HOC - CASTOR Projects, London UK


in between things - Nunns Yard, Norwich UK

Circuit Unlocks Digital - The Junction, Cambridge UK


Wysing Editions - SUNDAY Art Fair - Ambika P3, University of Westminster, London UK

Shades of Yellow - Embassy Tea Gallery, London UK


In the Window: Parts and Wholes - Airspace Gallery, Stoke-On-Trent UK

Process - STEW Gallery, Norwich UK


2023 In Transit Training Residency: Making Your Art Accessible

2022 -23 Contact Theatre X BBC Mentoring Programme

2022 Critical Exchange Network

2021 Night school VII – East Bristol Contemporary (Online)

2020 Distant Dialogues

2017 Island Walk - St Ives, Cambridgeshire UK

2016-17 Circuit Cambridge - Kettle’s Yard & Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge UK

2014-15 Graduate Residency - Airspace Gallery, Stoke-On-Trent UK

2012 Wysing Young Artists in Residence - Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge UK


2017 SWAP Editions - Edition No.1 AD HOC

2015 Ambergris editions - Wysing Studio Artist Kitchen Foil Print Portfolio


2021 Art and Mental Health: Facing the Future Symposium, Norwich University of the Arts and Hospital Rooms (Online)

2020 Fine Art Research Unit, Cambridge School of Art – Guest Lecturer

2019 Strategies, Professional Practice symposium, Norwich University of the Arts – Guest Lecturer

2017 MK College – Guest Lecturer


2024 Castlefield Gallery: Artist Professional Development Award (Manchester Open 2024, HOME)


2022 MUKA X Paradise Works: Naomi Harwin Interview

2019 Feature - Minimal Zine Issue 01, Spain, EU

2018 inFloat. Feature and Interview

2017 Axisweb - Artist of the Month: Naomi Harwin


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