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Between two places

By  Maria Kuipers 2012 - 2016
Whatever I paint I aim to be true to myself. I choose not to compromise with the market trends but to stay with what I know is my reality and my identity. This can be challenging at times but integrity is essential for me. My motto is to let go and take a risk in order to find that something beyond self - it's a constant search for something surprising, something from the unknown. 'Between two places' is one of those very challenging canvasses regarding format. I enjoy pushing myself beyond my comfort zone by using a canvas shape or scale I am not familiar with and it promotes a fresh focus. My aim is to convey something of substance and mystery at the same time. By using a variety of materials, which has always been an essential part of my process, I combine fabric, paint and collage to construct surfaces. Collage, paint, stitch, recycled bits and pieces, old clothes, whatever I find that excites me I use through a additive and reductive process.
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Collaboration 2020 Covid


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