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Brolly Folly

Ifan Tomos

Cardiff's beautiful River Taff plummeted over the Black Weir next to spinning coke cans and lumps of polystyrene caught up in its fray. I jumped wearing the mirrored jelly fish forms of a big hooped skirt and umbrella. ...Splash... I bobbed up, umbrella first, arm raised like the Statue of Liberty, air filled the skirt, my head hidden amongst its puffed pouches. And then I gave up the umbrella to the Taff, it went over the weir. I jumped up onto the embankment and watched, arm outstretched and trembling, as it span and sank. Afterwards I imagined it gracefully being tumbled underwater as if in a washing machine the travelling down-stream, dragged, rolling, torn, to sea.
prettier-ignore-start Zq4d43cteingsbkai20sa prettier-ignore-end Johana Hartwig


Out of the Box: Archive Residency

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