Chatham Placemaking Project
Christopher Tipping
FrancisKnight have been appointed by Medway Council to work on the Chatham Placemaking Project, a £4 million government funded project to help regenerate Chatham and make it a better place for residents, workers and visitors. The funding will create an easier journey for pedestrians and cyclists from Chatham railway station to the waterfront bus station and town centre. Improvements will be made at Chatham Station, New Cut Junction, St John's Square and Military Square.
FrancisKnight have commissioned Lead Artist Christopher Tipping to deliver permanent public art works for Chatham Town Centre as part of the public realm improvements. Working closely with LDA Design and Project Centre, Chris has contributed to the masterplanning, detailed design phases, materials palette and embedded art works.
Christopher Tipping
Christopher Tipping
Christopher Tipping, Paul Baker, Rob Young, Xtina Lamb
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