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Christopher Tipping

I am a Visual Artist working in Public Realm, Public Art, Urban Regeneration and Healthcare environments for Local Authorities, NHS Trusts and the Private Sector. I create detailed contextually driven creative research to assist in shaping projects.

Christopher Tipping is fascinated by the natural world - from tending his own garden to being   passionate about wildlife and ecological issues globally. He is equally inspired by what we build and how our complex communities can co-exist, co-design, navigate and experience these spaces.

 With a Master’s in Ceramics & Glass from the Royal College of Art, Tipping has a very personal creative methodology for thinking about and creating public art. He unpicks places and is ritualistic and obsessive in his process. He often begins with historical context, topography, timelines, maps, archive images, descriptions by historians and academics, written memories, stories, and anecdotes.  Narratives are made manifest through drawing, painting and digital collage, cut up, rewoven and re-imagined.

 The foundation of this approach lies in his ability to conjure original and contextually based resonant landscapes, focused on fine detail and quality materials, combined with a respect for life-long craft skills and advances in manufacturing technology. 

 His creative approach sets out to deliberately influence and shape collaborative and community design processes and outcomes. He has worked on large-scale high value projects as well as smaller, niche engagement and production projects, always drawing upon and communicating to others his singular vision, endless curiosity, and awe at the world around him. 

Tipping has delivered meaningful public art projects nationally, notably as lead artist on the award-winning Margate Steps, Southampton’s Guildhall Square, Station Quarter North, and Rochester Riverside.  His work for the Coventry Station Masterplan (Coventry City of Culture 2022) and as Principal Artist collaborating with public art consultants FrancisKnight for Whitecliffe Major Urban Park in Ebbsfleet situates Tipping’s work firmly within an architectural urban landscape and public realm, but he is as well known for his sensitive and original approach to creative expression within healthcare settings and healing environments where he feels he can make a direct and personal contribution. 

Christopher produces a series of more personal work, paintings and limited-edition prints which continue to evolve out of his love and fascination for the natural world often expanding creative narratives instigated initially through his commissioned work.  





HOLEY CITY ...A public art plan for Alkerden Major Urban Park


The Belvedere: Ashford and St Thomas's Hospital

Tadcaster Bus Station

An Alkerden Assemblage: HOLEY CITY

'unpicking places: ways of making'.

Under the Shadow of the Crane - Rochester Riverside Phase 3 Public Art

Bus Stop ... Bus Stop ... are you ready... to do the Bus Stop ...

I dreamt of Coventry & thought of you...

Margate Steps aka The Margate Coast and Flood Protection Scheme 2013

Blue Donkey...Ramsgate Zoo 2020

'Under the Shadow of the Crane'

Featured in


Weekly Highlights: 11-17 March, 2024

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