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Gaishterhuus (Ghost house)

MORE IMAGES: Gaischterhuus is a room installation that consists of four different interconnected elements. It does not explore ghosts in a literal sense but rather one's personal experiences, decision making and fear of one's own exploration and development, i.e. one's personal ghosts. Harmony, poetry and nostalgia are all essential and personal components of this work, which not only gazes upon the world through the wonderous eyes of a child but also simutaneously with the rational adult mind. The individual elements of the installation create a synergetic composition, an interplay between different experiences, points of view and positions. Nothing is being said, nothing is being taught. The visitor may make associations between the elements freely and is welcome to explore the work. Info Gaischterhuus construction: The Blue Room - a sculpture The Blue Room is a magical place where the child in the form of an adult creates its own reality. It is an enclosed space which is full of objects that are in relation to one's imagination of a possible existence beyond this particular space. It is a space where one works, creates and lives. It is a space that is temporary but nevertheless absolute, universal and eternal and where one's activities lead one to this space, the Blue Room. The construction is a sculpture that consists of various pieces of furniture, bed sheets, fabrics and personal objects I borrowed from the curator Clément Stehlin and from my father Franzueli Rechsteiner. All these objects have a peronal value as some of them are very old and full of history. This puts the installation into a strong context with the curator and my dad because I was only able to construct the Gaischterhuus as it is now thanks to both of them. The Blue Room does not only exist as part of this installation or within my personal world of thoughts but in the house of my father. It is a very special and peculiar room, that enclosed in itself is a world of its own which is full of souvenirs, magical stones, bones, instruments etc. Drawing The drawing consists of 16 A3 sheets and has been executed with colour pencils. It explores the representation of the processes of research, decision making, fear and growing. From afar one cannot see the coloured lines and thinks it is just white, nothing has been drawn. As you come closer, however, the lines slowly emerge. It is important to get closer to the world to explore and finally understand it. Kinderfresser (Child Eater) The Kinderfresser is a giant puppet that sits in the corner of the room overlooking everything. It has been cast out of the Blue Room and consists of the same fabrics that also partly decorate the Blue Room in the inside. The puppet reminds one of a carnival figure, the masked creature that sees the world through two holes. This allows him to approach the world in a different manner and hence adapts to this new world. It is scary and mysterious but also wondersome, foreign and nostalgic at the same time. Film: Inside the Blue Room This film puts my father into the center of atttention, into the center of (non)activity. He is working in his blue room. He is exploring objects carefully. The background sound have been recorded within the blue room. The film is being projected within the Blue Room construction. An important aspect of this work is the reduction of my ego. In my opinion artwork shouldn't express the creator's ego. Works are creatures of themselves. I think that really good art (in opposition to artistic work) is univeral, absolute and egoless. The creative's ego manifests in various forms. Whether or not I manage to decrease my ego, is not as important as is the entire work (Gesamtkunstwerk) essential. The process is what counts.
S8msf71pg0m2dxrpdwvl8q Jay Rechsteiner

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Istanbul Pride 2017

I woke up

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