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'New King's Stairs' aka 'Margate Steps', Margate, Kent

By  Christopher Tipping 2010 - 2013

Christopher Tipping

Margate Sea Defences ‘It is of vital importance that this scheme recognises the significance of the local vernacular & influencing historic context to inform the eventual shape, mass, detail & use of the flood defence works and most particularly the proposed stepped revetment. There is no question that the defence works were necessary & from the outset a response has been developed that quietly responds to & enhances the mantra of form following function. However, this site dictates that the defence works respond directly to a wider context & site specificity as opposed to creating a context of its own. The position of the revetment is of great importance. This site has seen the worst storm damage in the Town over the centuries and the impact of this has been a constant catalyst for change & renewal, which is a concept to conjure with in itself. The new revetment does not only have a singular role in sea defence but could also be seen - alongside other major projects such as the Turner Centre & Dreamland - as a catalyst in the potentially more pivotal role of determining - via its new connectivity & waterfront hub - the future life of Margate as a revived & vibrant Seaside Town & destination. New architectural, marine & cultural legacies are being currently created in Margate & there is opportunity & responsibility here for us to constantly review the parameters & influence of this particular project continually into the near future.’ The above is a section of the artist statement taken from the ‘Design & Access Statement’ published February 2011 The project was completed & opened in May 2013. The new public realm and amenity space has rapidly been adopted into the social and built fabric of the town. Client: Thanet District Council & Margate Renewal Partnership. Engineers: East Kent Engineering Practice. Contractor: Breheny Specialist Concrete Pre-Cast: CCP Cornish Concrete Products Consultants: Jacobs Urban Design Team

Christopher Tipping

Christopher Tipping

Christopher Tipping

2021 03 27 08 45 22 1 1713435833 Christopher Tipping

'Flow' - RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre, RUH, Bath

The Belvedere: Ashford and St Thomas's Hospital

Southampton Station Quarter North & 'Canal Shore'.

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