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"Racked Stack".

By  Tim Pugh 2018
The temporary intervention is the result of an ongoing investigation into combining natural materials with found man made structures deposited onto various beaches in West Cumbria.Here at South Beach near Cumbria I discovered a small section of narrow gauge railway line half buried in the shingle and propped it up at an angle.I then very carefully racked up a procession of pebbles gradually alternating in size,balanced precariously on the track.The railway track and pebbles consisting of worn down smooth industrial waste originated from the old Wellington Pitt Colliery that fringed the beach.The beach is currently closed due to the dangers from cliffs of slag waste but I am constantly drawn to the fascinating juxtaposition of man made materials mixed with national seaside beach debris.
prettier-ignore-start 1dxhx00jf0snyke0cgvzza prettier-ignore-end Tim Pugh

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