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Surface Tension

By  Joanna Mowbray 1993 - 2003

Joanna Mowbray

The installation includes the sculpture 'Surface Tension' and the drawing 'Perimeters'. The sculpture was originally constructed for the use of dancers in performance, but also to exist as forms in their own right. Both works were developed from an enquiry into line, shape, proportion, space, distance and the relationship between the body and forms/shapes. 'Surface Tension' was re-worked in 2003 to be made suitable for exhibition outdoors. In 2013 the sculpture was sold and installed in the grounds a private house/business in Schilde, Antwerp, Belgium.

Joanna Mowbray

Joanna Mowbray

Joanna Mowbray

Joanna mowbray far beyond 53065 Joanna Mowbray

Light lines

Other spaces no.1

My two copper pots

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