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The Last Day Puzzle

By  Paul Newman 2023

The Last Day 'In Ruin' installation detail. Photo by Marcin SZ

Performance playtime during residency at Stryx, Birmingham in may 2023. Part of Pressure Cooker: Soup VI residency program. The Last Day was originally a studio based performance in 2012 utilising the man with a sugar cube for a head who was first performed at 'A Confidentially Clause' a long time ago in 2005. The 2012 studio based version also became a digital still frame animation, A photographic print and a photograph / painting combination in 2020. This reincarnation for the residency at Stryx has the character trying to solve a puzzle version of his own image. The puzzle was completed during by the residency finish in June 2023, with a little help from friends..

Paul Newman The Last Day Puzzle. part of residency at Stryx, Birmingham May/June 2023

Paul Newman The Last Day Puzzle. part of residency at Stryx, Birmingham May/June 2023

prettier-ignore-start U5mugts3jesih0zrovwmaq prettier-ignore-end Paul Newman

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