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True Self

By  Irene Rogan 2010

Irene Rogan

Commissioned by SoundWave the title True Self refers to a term found in my research of music theory and harmonic theory. The wall piece is developed from an image of a waveform of the spoken word 'soundwave'. Text is incorporated into the work which uses responses of SoundWave staff members to questions I asked about their relationship with music and their practice (singers, musicians, opera singer and writers) and providing opportunities for others. Dramatic colours of deep purple and black make a humorous reference to the Rock and Roll era. SoundWave is a 'not-for-profit' music organisation based in West Cumbria with a mission of Transformation Through Music, delivering a programme of inspirational music projects, including performances, events, festivals, and a large participatory music-making programme. The Text Helping people express themselves with their words and their voices * finding emotional content in something written or singing * it feels like giving or receiving a precious gift * it's special when you find that place inside, * when you sing it is like people are connecting with you and you are not alone * like being connected to all sorrow, joy and knowledge * sometimes otherworldly* when I perform I find myself lost in music

Irene Rogan

Irene Rogan

Dave Camlin Creative Director SoundWave

Yeaotdppw0wtq7gyb8llpa Irene Rogan

Arcane Tender


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