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Will Teather

"Very clever... and beautiful." BBC News "Teather's works frequently wrenches us back and forth through time and style." Neil Powell, writer for Wall Street International

I have a diverse practice that currently involves exploring new journeys within painting.  These are placed in the context of my earlier artworks that are bound together by key themes of transcendentalism, escapism, perfectionism and a sense of spectacle. Perhaps I am trying to reveal those things that may otherwise go unnoticed as we filter our everyday life. 

Recent paintings have seen me exploring abstraction for the first time.  New compositions reinterpret principles of sacred geometry within visual art, creating complex patterns based upon the underlying structure of representational images, revealing perhaps a divine form within the natural world. These intricate lattices reference both postmodern pixilation within painting, as influenced by digital culture, and the longstanding idea of an underlying order within both visual art and our wider perception of reality.   They are also informed by the obsessive exploration of geometric patterns by the outsider painter Eugene Andolsek and the automated techniques of Sol Lewitt, who would pass instructions onto assistants who then created his drawings.

Also ongoing are my spherical paintings. The sense of movement caused by the shifting perspective of these works and the unusual curved format of the canvas play with the fundamentals of what makes a realist painting.  



Mr P.Milnes Antiques and Curios

The Hotel

Muspole Workshops


Radial Portrait

The Deposition

Radial Portrait (after Rembrandt van Rijn self portrait with a wide brimmed hat)

Madonna and Child (after Titian)

Christ at the column (after Caravaggio)

A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (after Manet)

The Supper at Emmaus (after Caravaggio)

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