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The Hotel

By  Will Teather 2017
Melia Whitehouse- Painted sphere- 60cm diameter - (Installed in situ in main image) Guest artist for Artrooms 2017 Site specific painted sphere. “Infinite perspectives” is a project that explores new ground in the depiction of space, blurring the boundaries between painting and sculpture. These are three-dimensional paintings on globes and unusually formed canvases. The paintings employ an innovative type of inverted perspective, that gives a 360 degree view of a space – with both the perspective and the representation slyly shifting, depending on which point you look at them. They present a radical take on realist painting. “The origins of this work lie in magical realism. A lot of my work deals the carnival-esque and a sense of the uncanny. It’s about creating extraordinary visual spectacles through painting. It’s about the relationship between the 2D and the 3D, and about creating something closer to the way we see. As a lecturer in drawing, I am also interested in contributing to our journey through art history to the present day, and see perspective as a fundamental part of that journey.”
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The Supper at Emmaus (after Caravaggio)


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