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Charlotte Squire

London & Plymouth
My work is practice based installation using textile, metalwork and found or salvaged materials. I am a director at Fluxmetal.

My work is practice based installation. My process is one of collecting, selecting & reusing mundane objects and materials that have been put to one side or discarded. I am particularly interested in the poetry of the ordinary object & its syntax. It is possible to transform the ordinary into something wonderful that belies and transcends its origin. I often use illumination as part of the construction. This is a mix-up process of assemblage - the constructed objects becoming, by their inherent pre-use, their own family portrait. Grouping them gives a sense of their own sociability and internal history that is both self contained and reflexive, yet open ended as a social encounter.


Palmyra 2035


Crashing the Ecology#1


Eusapia Alone

Time Traveller headpiece for The Hurrier

Lean times

Tesselating switch

Three Way Switch, Transition

from The Visitors

B'twixt and Between


Featured in


Curated Selection: Costume and Character

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