Linda Izan

- Website ,
- Instagram ,
- Youtube ,
- PRISM Textiles ,
- S.E.W
Although I have actively chosen to work with and develop textile techniques and skills during the past several years, my creative practice is not exclusively within this area. I am also keen to access and exploit mixed media, photography and digital media.
My work focuses on social issues. I allow the current given theme to predicate the choice of materials; materials that would add to the dialogue. For example, if I am dealing with unwanted objects thrown into skips (as in my on-going body of work ‘Waste Embellishment’) I will use gold leaf or marbled velvet to emphasis what is valued and what is not.
When the narrative is focused on human rights, as in my work ‘We Warned You’ which deals with the issue of Domestic Abuse, I set up an installation mirroring a crime scene. Here I replicated the appearance of police cordon tape, digitally printing on the tape statistics on the impact of budget cuts to Refuges. Increasingly I have used text in my work. The text is there to ensure that the message is explicit, as my aim is to highlight the human experiences lived in a world, which increasingly questions the status quo.
In general the impetus for work might be immediate or might develop over several years; with collection of photographic, video research and the exploration of public and world issues via the media and social media. Also important to me, is the connection with other artists. Although I do not share a studio with a creative group, preferring to work in my own space, I do connect on a regular basis with the excellent art collective ‘Fabric of Protest’ a Manchester based group. Within the group ideas are brought to the forum and developed as well as new skills explored.
In September 2018, I was accepted as a member of the prestigious international exhibiting group Prism Textiles. In October 2018, I was also accepted as a member of S.E.W. (The Society for Embroidered Work). Both groups invited me to exhibit with them in 2019.
My work continues to be exhibited locally within the North West, Nationally and Internationally with my work highlighted on social media and within printed publications.