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Lucy Bevin

My practice incorporates film, installation, sculpture and drawing. It explores the uncanny nature of the home examining the home as a concept which is an unending and continuous process.

Lucy Bevin


I am a multi-disciplinary artist, I completed a BA in Fine Art in Liverpool in the early 1980’s, then went onto a career as an Art Director in Film and TV Production Design. In 2019-2021 I completed an MA in Fine Art at UCA Farnham. My art practice incorporates sculpture, drawing, film and installation, the development of which is set within the concept of  the home and its objects including the house as object.

The work explores the notion of objects evolving and aligned with human life, accumulated and gathered within a single lived interior experience.

The current sculptural work explores the nature of the objects contained within the house and the interplay between the sculptural form and the found or domestic object.

Drawing on these concepts the sculptures explore the role of cherished possessions, domestic objects and clutter. The use of materials, a combination of clay, plaster, paper-mache, newspaper and acrylic paint reflects these explorations i.e the piling up of stuff - particularly newspaper and junk-mail coupled with the use of ornamental or domestic objects and furniture. These works investigate the nature and function of objects by the conjoining of subject and object. The sculptures become mutations or or ‘crossings’ representing a form of ‘enchantment’, a hybridity which produces a strange combination of delight and disturbance. There is a physicality and absurdity inherent within each of the pieces as well as bodily references, these are devices to connect with and lure the viewer in order to capture that moment of desire and disturbance in equal measures. 

The conjoining or hybrid nature of the sculptures gives rise to a new form or new thing, an uncanny hybridity which is not one thing or the other, not fixed, neither subject or object so therefore creating new possibilities for the work.


Ghost Lamp

Shelf Life

Shelf Life

Strange Allure part two

Strange Allure

Strange Allure

The Borderland

This standing still of all the pale objects

Family History part 1

Hanging Lamp


Objects From the Home

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