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Nick Cass

I am an artist and academic. I have a particular interest in the relationship between heritage, museum collections and artistic practice.
R.L. Gregory, the experimental psychologist has described the unique qualities of human perception as an active process; one in which our brain is constantly testing and re-testing hypotheses regarding what might be in front of our eyes. 'Seeing is so familiar, apparently so easy, it takes a leap of imagination to appreciate that the eyes set extremely difficult problems for the brain to solve for seeing to be possible. How does it work? How are ghostly images transformed into appearances of solid objects, lying in an outer world of space and time?' My work emerges as a result of my fascination with perception, geometry, perspective and faith as systems, ones in which we are constantly creating, and recreating social meaning, testing our hypotheses on the nature of existence, within this 'outer world of space and time'. In my practice over the last fifteen years, I have developed a multidisciplinary approach encompassing sculpture and installation; teaching and museum and gallery education. For me, the multidisciplinary nature of my work is a fertile ground for a rich and enjoyable field of practice.

Qualifications and training

2015 - PhD Museum Studies
2006 - MA - Contemporary Fine Art Practice, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds 
1995 - PGCE - Primary Education, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham 
1990 - Fine Art - Sculpture, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, Newcastle upon Tyne

Curated Exhibitions
2014 - Artists of Faith, Brontë Parsonage Museum, Howarth
2013 - Wildness Between Lines, Leeds Arts University, Leeds
2013 - Visions of Angria, Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, University of Leeds

Solo exhibitions
2009 - Flatworks, South Square Gallery, Thornton, Bradford
1998 - Museum, Salford University, Salford

Group exhibitions
2010 - Badigloolust, Royal Standard, Liverpool
2010 - Melange, Leeds Met Gallery, Harvey Nichols, Leeds
2010 - On Your Wall, Leeds Met Gallery, Leeds
2009 - Salon (Doppelgänger), Torhaus Gallery, Dortmund
2008 - 195 Miles, PSL (Project Space Leeds), Leeds
2008 - On Your Wall, Leeds Met Gallery, Leeds
2008 - Salon 2008, East Street Arts, Leeds
2008 - Separations, Spacia Arts, Leeds
2005 - Artists Show, Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds
2005 - From the Ordinary, Leeds Met Gallery, Leeds
1990 - New Art North West, Cornerhouse, Manchester
1989 - New Contemporaries, ICA, London and national tour Live/Performance
2010 - ' Drawing Shed' for PSL at No Soul for Sale, Tate Modern, London

2005 - Paper Sculpture, Wakefield Art Gallery, Wakefield
1998 - Great Art Adventure, Tate Gallery, Liverpool Residencies
1997 - "When is a Chair not a Chair?", Manchester City Art Gallery, Stretford Grammar School

Public commissions
2011 - Junction, Leeds Met Gallery & The Culture Company, Leeds

2006 - Into the Garden - sculpture project for adults with mental health difficulties, Temple Newsam House, Leeds
2005 - Adventures in Three Dimensions - sculpture project for adults with mental health difficulties., City Art Gallery, Leeds
2005 - Castle Building, Wakefield MDC Cultural Services, Pontefract Castle
2005 - Testbed 3, Leeds Met Gallery, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds Competitions, prizes and awards
2009 - New work/professional development funding, Arts Council, Yorkshire
1997 - Funding award for curatorial project '3rd Person', Manchester City Council
1997 - Funding award for curatorial project '3rd Person', North West Arts Board, Manchester

Educational experience - primary
2005 - Using the Sculpture Collection - InSET Course for Teachers, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull
2005 - 'Water' sculpture Workshops, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull

Educational experience - secondary
2008 - Tutor and Adviser delivering Arts Award for Young Offenders, Discovery Centre, Leeds 2006 - 100 Sheets and an Engraving - Sculpture Workshop, Lawnswood High School, Leeds
2005 - INSITU - sculpture workshops for Situation Leeds, Artforms - Education Leeds, Leeds
2004 - Adventures in Three Dimensions - sculpture workshops, City Art Gallery, Leeds

Educational experience - tertiary
2016 - Lecturer in Heritage and Contemporary Art, University of Leeds
2010 - Research Associate, University of Leeds
2005 - Lecturer/Year Tutor, BA Visual Communication, Leeds College of Art, Leeds
2004 - Associate Lecturer, Leeds College of Art and Design, Leeds
1998 - Visiting Lecturer, Salford University, Salford

Site specific
1991 - Specimens, Dry 201, Manchester

2009 - 2013 Trustee, Stretch - Widening Participation Charity, York
2003 -2006 Voluntary Board Member - Leeds Arts Partnership, Leeds Initiative/Leeds City Council, Leeds

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