
- Painting
- Mixed Media
- Environment & Sustainability
- Heritage & Archives
- Blackdowns
- Quantocks
- Taunton
- Vale
- Acrylic Painting
- Landscape
- Painting
28 x 19 x 0.1cm
Over the last couple of months I have been revisiting the local landscape, following the broks and rivers that run across the land in and around Taunton Vale, Devon and Cornwall. I'm drawn to the flora and fauna, exploring the local environment and creating paintings in response to them.
Landscape plays an important role in my work, exploring the glimses I see as I travel through the landscape, looking at the history of the area or region, drawn to our past and the effect it has on the present moment.
This has previously been through portraiture and now more exploratory wotrk through the landscape. I imagine these will coalese as I continue to explore these areas of research, building a portfolio of images in response to these ideas.