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Imber & Cabinet of Curiosities.

By  Henny Burnett 2014

Martin Urmson

Imber, Salisbury Plain & WW1 Cabinet of curiosities. Imber, Salisbury Plain is a collaborative piece with the photographer Martin Urmson. Imber a village on Salisbury Plain that was used by the army in the first World War but with its residents still present. In the Second World War the villagers of Imber were moved out with promises that they would be able to return. This never happened and Imber is now a training area for the army with public access permitted about three times a year. Kilner jars contain gathered materials combined with an image of one of the disserted buildings at Imber by Martin Urmson from the series ‘Combat Series’. The domestic buildings remaining in the village are an evocative reminder of a different past. The work was part of ‘Cicatrix – the scar of a healed wound’ an ACE funded WW1 centenary project that investigated aspects of conflict, memorials, scaring and the land. A ‘Cabinet of curiosities’ contains WW1 objects and memorabilia collected by the artists and ?loaned by the Rifles Wiltshire and ?Berkshire Museum.

Martin Urmson

Martin Urmson

Martin Urmson

Wp8yatrwkkokylz56jbrw Henny Burnett

Captain’s cabinet

The Domesic: a Residency at The Garage, Bristol

Binocular Vision

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