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Stretched & Tethered

By  Henny Burnett 2020 - 2021
'Stretched & Tethered' was made during a collaborative residency at The Garage in Bristol. It investigated feelings of conflict and precariousness produced by the roles of artist/motherhood/career. A nylon petticoat in ‘tethered’ is set in a block of plaster cast from a shopping bag and then stretched on a child’s coat hanger. The companion piece ‘Tethered’ has tights set in blocks of plaster cast from old packing, they resemble the shape of sand castles. The feet of the tights contain blocks of carbolic soap, which emanate a smell of disinfectant. They hang like puppets from the ceiling on strings.




prettier-ignore-start Wp8yatrwkkokylz56jbrw prettier-ignore-end Henny Burnett


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