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Jane Prophet

Dr. Jane Prophet makes objects and installations, combining traditional and computational processes and media. Her research and writing emerges through collaborations with scientists.

A love of interdisciplinary collaboration

To a greater or lesser extent the works documented here each owe a debt to conversations and insights gained from rich collaborative partnerships with engineers, medical researchers, surgeons and scientists. In some cases these interdisciplinary collaborations go much deeper and involve partners in the productions of the artworks. This is typified by my work with Gordon Selley, whose algorithmic trees were developed for The Landscape Room, Decoy and The ‘blot’ Series. Our partnership began with TechnoSphere, co-authored in the mid-1990’s. 


My way of thinking, and of seeing the world, has expanded through chance encounters, collaborations and friendships with many such remarkable people. Ironically, some of the most important are not represented by this selection of works, but have nevertheless had a profound impact on me and my art work: the extraordinary mathematician, Mark d’Inverno, who continues to challenge my thinking, always with humour, and with whom I have learnt to see the creativity that can come from exploring conflicting worldviews; the visionary liver pathologist and stem cell researcher, Neil Theise who has patiently shared his research with me and changed forever my understanding of the body; and the inspirational materials scientist, Mark Miodownik who has shared his unique library of strange and uncanny materials with me on numerous occasions.



Solo exhibitions 2008 - (Trans)Plant, Mailbox, Birmingham, UK 2007 - Counterbalance, Avoca, Victoria, Australia, Site specific. On floodplain. 2007 - Heart and Swab Drawings, The Belfry, St John on Bethnal Green, London 2006 - Green and Pleasant Land., Paco das Artes, Sao Paulo (alongside Bienal) 2005 - Model Landscapes, London Gallery West, London 2001 - Decoy, Blickling Hall. The Laing Gallery, Norfolk. Newcastle 2000 - Conductor, Wapping Art, London Group exhibitions 2007 - Souvenir of England, in STILL LIFE, Hanbury Hall, National Trust, Worcestershire, UK 2007 - Various works, with R O O M art space, Zoo Art Fair, London 2006 - Decoy Stills, THE WINTER SHOW, Gallery 12, Hampstead, London 2004 - Staining Space in Wonderful, L Shed Arnolfini, Bristol, then Magna, Rotherham and Cornerhouse, Manchester Residencies 2007 - RMIT Artist in Residence, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia 2005 - NESTA Dream Time Award, National Endowment of Science, Technology and the Arts 12 month Fellowship, 40,000 award to work full time in the studio Projects 2007 - Net Work, tbc Central Park. Thames Docklands, New York. London

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